Helping our students find their potential

At Sandgate we use two web based software platforms to capture and record progress along a child’s journey through the school.

The first is called ‘Evidence for Learning’ and the second is called ‘Solar’. Students Early years assessments are recorded on Sandgate Pre-steps through Evidence for Learning. Similarly, our Meadows Pathway students progress is captured on Evidence for Learning via The Engagement Model assessment tool.

Solar has the advantage of covering all our assessment needs under one umbrella as well as providing us with some data analysis. Both platforms allow us to break down learning into very small steps which means that even the smallest increments of progress can be recognised and recorded. We have called this ‘Sandgate Steps’ for our Core Subject assessments.

One major advantage is that this system is fully flexible and allows staff to adjust the statement banks to match the taught curriculum. Each student is assessed using an assessment system tailored to their individual learning pathway.  This assessment procedure is explained to Parents on a child’s entry to school and has proved popular with both parents and teachers.

Each student is assessed using an assessment system tailored to an individual learning pathway.  This assessment procedure is explained to Parents on a child’s entry to school and has proved popular with both parents and teachers.  When a young child starts school there will be a Baseline assessment where they are mapped on our ‘Early Steps’.  Depending on the child’s personal progression pathway they will be assessed using the most suitable assessment procedure.   A more detailed picture can be found in the School’s Assessment Policy.



Artwork by Lucy Wisse